
counting days (err, hours actually)
and i'm gonna get that Lumia 620...

hmm, biru lah kan kaler yang best...

well, rasa suka kat nexus tu still ada
well, aku suka sangat features dia such as
dapat upgrade android paling awal
senang nak flash version android (or tader la susah sangat kut)
well, i'm a hacker (okay, wannabe) meh...
all cracking hacking developing stuff, like it so much...

nexus family... hmm, was, and still an avid fan of it...

well, reason yang buat aku nak WP8 ni ialah :

ramai orang tak pakai OS ni
i'm not a mainstream guy
aku suka discover benda baru-baru ni
agak bosan dengan android (ni semua samsung punya pasal... stock android still rocks!)

well, for the time being, 
aku hold dulu plan nak rembat nexus ni sebijik
maybe gonna wait for the new release kut
well, nexus 4 ain't bad
and galaxy nexus is also not half-bad
cuma, right now the WP8 is the new "in" thing for me kut

kaler apa ek yang best... biru? or kuning? tolong~~~

hilmihisham | aO
(..missing it... it!)

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